The Need for Renewable Baseload Energy

July 19, 2024
Gradient Geothermal

Global energy demands are increasing at an unprecedented rate. According to the International Energy Agency, global electricity demand is expected to grow by nearly 60% by 2040. Renewable energy sources are essential to meet this demand while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.

However,many renewable energy sources, including solar and wind, are intermittent. Theydepend on weather conditions and time of day and cannot provide a constantsupply of electricity. This intermittency creates challenges for grid stabilityand reliability. Baseload energy sources, which provide continuous power, arecrucial for balancing the grid and ensuring a steady supply of electricity.

Geothermal energy is a reliable baseload energysource. It harnesses heat from the Earth's interior to generate electricity,providing a constant and predictable power supply. Unlike solar and wind,geothermal energy is not subject to weather conditions or time of day, makingit an ideal complement to intermittent renewable sources.